Friday, May 29, 2009

Kasut Bola a.k.a BOOT

Aku cuma merasa pakai boot masa sekolah menengah. Tapi anak aku umur 7 tahun dah merasa main bola pakai boot. Jenuh juga pusing kat Pertama Complex utk mencari saiznya. Dapat jugak le anak aku pakai boot & yg penting dpt main bola dlm team.

Budak-budak sekarang... Tak beli nanti dah tak boleh main. Kat Bangi ada LBJB (Liga Bolasepak Junior Bangi), jadi peluang utk anak aku utk join team. LBJB semuanya sukarela. Mak bapak yg take charge.

Bagus juga ada LBJB ni. Sekurang-kurangnya ada peluang utk anak aku bercampur dgn geng2 sebaya dia. Lain le mcm aku dulu, kalau setakat nak main bola, tak payah nak cari jersey atau boot atau mak bapak jadi organizer. Formation team pun mudah, ikut suka & kronisme je. Pengadil pun tak de. Jadi semua player boleh claim foul.. keputusan ikut majority.

Masa aku sekolah rendah, main di padang kuarters Jabatan Hutan kat area rumah aku. Tiang gol... size dewasa le. Kalo nak score gol, tendang atas (sbb goal keeper semuanya kemetot a.k.a pendek). Tentang team, bilangan tak penting. Yg penting jumlah sama banyak. Sapa score dulu, yg kalah kena bukak baju. Senang nak identify team members. Itu dulu brooooo...

Sekarang zaman berubah. Nak cari padang bola atau kawasan lapang utk public usage atau anak-anak kita main mcm kita kecik2 dulu pun dah susah. Jadi tak heranlah aku kalau skill bolasepak sekarang makin menjunam. Sebab tu aku malas layan bolasepak negara.. buang masa. Menyampah aku tengok bila gaya (dressing dgn rambut pacak ala2 wet look) aje yg lebih... tapi bila main dgn Vietnam (yg stadiumnya pun tak sebanyak & sehebat kita) mengeletar kepala lutut kita.

Kalau org tanya aku siapa player Malaysia yg aku kenal, aku lebih senang ingat Azizul Abu Hanifah, Karim Pin, Chong Kim Boon, Dollah Salleh, Serbegeth Singh dll, then generasi yg old sikit mcm Mokhtar Dahari, Santokh Singh, V Arumugam, Jamal Nasir & Hassan Sani. Jgn tanya aku player skrg. Lebih baik aku layan anak aku main bola drpd buang masa melayan bolasepak skrg.

Jgn marah rakyat kalau tak ada sokongan. Kalau dulu masa aku sekolah rendah, main antara sekolah pun ramai yg datang tengok & bg sokongan. Kalau selection state atau district ke, memang dicari sampai akar umbi. Bukan main tangkap muat je atau sbb ada connection. Aku pun tak heran sangat kalau dikatakan player bolasepak Malaysia dikatakan tak patriotik. Tengok aje la jersey team bolasepak kita. Korang tengok betul2.....

Korang cari bendera Malaysia. Ada tak? Yg ada logo FAM. Pelik jugak aku. Yg sponsor team ini duit rakyat (cukai) atau semata-semata duit daripada FAM (tanpa bantuan dana kerajaan atau agihan daripada cukai pendapatan yg disalurkan melalui Kementerian terbabit???).

Jadi... dipendekkan cerita, lebih baik aku layan anak aku main bola je. Bukan utk glamour atau nak wakil negara ttp lebih kpd improving the social / community relationship. Sekurang-kurangnya dpt jugak aku tunjuk skill utk jadi coach... hehehehee.. Baru anak aku tau yg aku pun hebat jugakkkkkk !!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Polish Up Your Persuasion Skills

Believe that these 10 elements of the persuasive personality do not come naturally, so let we do it together through consistent practice. Please share this with our staffs, friends, peers & others:-

  1. The image we create is divided into three categories: visual, vocal and verbal. Visual image is by far the most powerful. People are conditioned to evaluate what they see and form an instant opinion. The way we look will often determine the outcome of a sales presentation, a negotiation, a political campaign or a job interview. Image is a high priority to powerful persuaders.

  2. Effective vocal image is enthusiasm. By developing an energetic and enthusiastic tone of voice, powerful persuaders create interest in the listener and ensure a high level of retention in what they say.

  3. Verbal acuity, knowing how to put words together to motivate others, is a skill constantly practiced by powerful persuaders.


  1. Persuasive people know their subject. They read trade magazines, attend peer meetings, go to seminars and join trade associations. They know that gathering knowledge is a lifelong process. People will listen carefully if they believe you know what you are talking about.


  1. Successful people have an inner confidence which comes from knowing themselves. They are not pushy or brash, but have an assertive air about them that translates into a can-do attitude. Confident people make things happen.


  1. Don't make promises you can't keep. Powerful persuaders meet deadlines, show up at meetings on time and always do what they say they will do.


  1. The best persuaders are articulate. Their speech is grammatically correct and they avoid slang expressions which create hesitancy and cause people to doubt the strength of their arguments.


  1. Winners don't quit! Any good salesperson will tell you some of the best sales were the hardest to get. Someone who takes a long time to make a decision will often take a long time to change it.

  2. Powerful persuaders have the persistence to overcome obstacles. Their determination keeps them going while others give up the cause.


  1. Powerful persuaders know that people will respond if they see benefits to themselves or their company. Put yourself in the mind of the person you are trying to persuade.

  2. Know the benefits before trying to persuade someone and he or she will be much more receptive to your way of thinking.


  1. Powerful persuaders create incentives for achievement and reward success. They lead by example.

  2. They are not afraid to get down in the trenches with the troops, inspiring others to do the very best they can. They stand by their team when they come under fire, praising good work and reacting quickly to deal with problems.

  3. Like the best generals throughout history, persuasive managers gain respect and admiration from their team, driving them to the peak of their ability.


  1. Powerful persuaders get out of the office and see as many people connected with their business as possible.

  2. They visit customers, suppliers, and dealers regularly, and maintain a high profile within the company.


  1. When you get what you want, shut up. Change the subject or end the conversation completely. Don't try to oversell your ideas.

  2. Having the patience to remain silent is an essential tool of the powerful persuader. Realize the power of silence.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Majlis Solat Hajat & Bacaan Yassin di Cawangan KL Sentral

  1. Alhamdulillah pada Jumaat lepas (15/05/2009), Cawangan KL Sentral telah dapat melaksanakan rancangan majlis solat hajat serta bacaan yassin.

  2. Majlis dibuat dgn 3 tujuan utama iaitu mengeratkan ukhuwah antara kakitangan, solat hajat serta mendoakan kesejahteraan, kebaikan, tabah hati kepada Pn Marina (Pengurus Operasi - Cawangan KL Sentral) bagi menghadapi ujian Allah swt dan bagi memohon utk dipermudahkan urusan kerja kita, khususnya persiapan penutupan tahun kewangan 08/09 pada bulan Jun 2009 ini.

  3. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada sahabat2 yg hadir, termasuklah Pengurus Kawasan Tengah (Tn Hj Abdul Rahman Ali), mantan Pengurus Pemprosesan (Tn Hj Abdull Halim), Hj Ashharudin, Hj Razak Kassim, En Rizal Mutalib, En Fazlan serta juga seluruh kakitangan Cawangan KL Sentral yg membantu merancang majlis ini.

  4. Semoga majlis ini dpt mendekatkan kita kpd Allah swt, menyedarkan kita akan betapa kecilnya kita ini & tidak terlalu mengejar urusan dunia sehingga melalaikan urusan kerohanian.

Khusyuk mendengar perbincangan dgn Tn imam yg dijemput khas dari Masjid Bukit Aman. Farizal a.k.a En Mat yg pakai kain pelikat tu... cover sikit, nanti kipas tiup, jadi cerita lain.

Haji Halim tengah fikir mcm2.... jual stabilizer utk bagi kereta power, nak kemas kotak, perut lapar pun ye !!!!!!!!! Alamak screen QMS tak shut down, aduhhhhh.... naik lagi bil api branch.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Creative Advertising

I was made to understand that this ad is the effort for Childcare, India which aims to help more than 20 million Indian Children who beg on the streets each day. This is really brilliant & creative.

Team Work

This is the real truth. They all pretend to work, but the hard work is done by make the work, they get the results. :-)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Public Program - Sales Booth & Exhibition

Based on my experience dealing with the branches & sales team in the public program in Eastern Region & Klang Valley which may include opening the sales booth, participation in the exhibition, I would like to highlight some of the important elements in areas where we can improve further our presence during the program.

Therefore, the following may serve as sharing the idea & experience for us to improve the execution plan.

What you need to know & to do:-
How do I attract the prospects / target market to the sales booth?

  1. Communicate with your prospects individually to let them know about your presence at the program – broadcast your message to the package employer – letter & email, notification at branch & ATM.
  2. Ask the organizer for a profile of previous attendees as well as current invitees.
  3. Notify the prospects & target market – send the notices to the key customers (package, top depositors etc) & prospects, offer incentives to key prospects or customer visiting your booth.

Establish the objective of opening our sales booth:-

  1. Does the area / location, time, organizer, other booth’s participants support our marketing objectives?
  2. A cost-effective opportunity to meet many prospects as per our target market?
  3. Provide needed opportunity to increase our profile in the marketplace & enhance our own reputation?
  4. Provide public platform to introduce / market our new products / services?

Our outdoor promotion activity must be managed carefully in order to yield in long term benefits. Questions that should be asked to our sales team include:-

  1. Why are we running the promotion program?
  2. Do we want to increase overall volume, or sales, or awareness of specific products?
  3. Do we want to improve our performance in other sales related area such as customer service, branding / product awareness?
  4. How do we justify the expense of the promotion?
  5. What are the related sales objectives & how will they be quantified?
  6. Is it possible to profile previous similar program as basis for planning?
  7. How will the program be publicized?
  8. The most critical – knowledge of the team? – check & re-check…

Maintain interest & momentum:-

  1. All leads received during the program should be followed up & to consider the the cross promotion.
  2. Maintain & manage the leads – establish the profile & match with the product, refine the lead.
  3. Insures that all parties / stake holder at branch (such as all front liners – PFE, tellers, CSO, CSR, BOM, BsMgrs, BM) & Region Office are aware of the program.

Take time to plan:-

  1. Establish & understand the objectives.
  2. Publicize our participation.
  3. Brief the team – include establish the procedures for interacting with customers / visitors.
  4. Remind them to get the greatest possible benefit from our participation.
  5. Stand material – take care not to give away expensive brochure / gift to low value or unqualified prospects.
  6. Capture visitor data – collect, compile & manage the leads.
  7. Measure your success – how many new prospects did you develop, how many sales meeting did you arrange, how many sales leads closed.
  8. Follow up all inquiries – arrange the meeting or send further information to promising prospects.
  9. Continue to maintain contact with the organizer or venue spoke person.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Akaun Semasa

Topik ini cuma membincangkan bagaimana menggunakan kemudahan Akaun Semasa dgn lebih baik. Ini berdasarkan kpd pengalaman aku sewaktu berurusan dgn pelanggan serta di bank-bank lain.

Antara perkara-perkara yg menjadi tanggung jawab pelanggan Akaun Semasa adalah:-

  1. Tulis semua maklumat di atas cek dgn lengkap & jelas.

  2. Jgn ada pindaan (alteration not allowed) di atas cek yg dikeluarkan.

  3. Jika berlaku pertukaran alamat & nombor telefon, maklumkan secara bertulis kpd bank. Pastikan juga penandatangan yg sah yg menandatangani arahan / makluman ini.

  4. Sewaktu cek dikeluarkan, pastikan ada duit yg mencukupi di dalam akaun. Bukan menjadi tanggung jawab bank utk menelefon pelanggan sekiranya akaun insufficient. Perlu diingatkan bhw di negara lain spt Thailand, US & HK, adalah menjadi kesalahan yg serius sekiranya cek dikeluarkan tidak dpt ditunaikan kerana akaun insufficient. Contohnya di US, pemegang Akaun Semasa boleh dipenjarakan jika perkara ini berlaku.

  5. Menyemak semua baki helaian cek yg telah & masih blm dikeluarkan.

  6. Seringkali pelanggan menyatakan Penyata Akaun Semasa tidak diterima. Oleh yg demikian, pastikan tindakan perkara (3) di atas dibuat drpd semasa ke semasa.

  7. Pastikan semua cek yg dikeluarkan adalah dlm pengetahuan pelanggan. Mana-mana cek yg silap ditulis perlu dimusnahkan.

  8. Jgn tanda tangan cek kosong.

  9. Gunakan kemudahan internet banking, SMS banking & juga ATM utk membuat semakan baki.

  10. Jika ada perubahan corak tanda tangan, maklumkan kpd bank dgn kadar segera dgn melengkapkan kad contoh tanda tangan.

Ini hanya sebahagian drpd amalan yg perlu dilakukan oleh pelanggan dlm mengendalikan Akaun Semasa mereka dengan baik. Semoga ini dpt membantu kita semua.