Friday, May 15, 2009

Public Program - Sales Booth & Exhibition

Based on my experience dealing with the branches & sales team in the public program in Eastern Region & Klang Valley which may include opening the sales booth, participation in the exhibition, I would like to highlight some of the important elements in areas where we can improve further our presence during the program.

Therefore, the following may serve as sharing the idea & experience for us to improve the execution plan.

What you need to know & to do:-
How do I attract the prospects / target market to the sales booth?

  1. Communicate with your prospects individually to let them know about your presence at the program – broadcast your message to the package employer – letter & email, notification at branch & ATM.
  2. Ask the organizer for a profile of previous attendees as well as current invitees.
  3. Notify the prospects & target market – send the notices to the key customers (package, top depositors etc) & prospects, offer incentives to key prospects or customer visiting your booth.

Establish the objective of opening our sales booth:-

  1. Does the area / location, time, organizer, other booth’s participants support our marketing objectives?
  2. A cost-effective opportunity to meet many prospects as per our target market?
  3. Provide needed opportunity to increase our profile in the marketplace & enhance our own reputation?
  4. Provide public platform to introduce / market our new products / services?

Our outdoor promotion activity must be managed carefully in order to yield in long term benefits. Questions that should be asked to our sales team include:-

  1. Why are we running the promotion program?
  2. Do we want to increase overall volume, or sales, or awareness of specific products?
  3. Do we want to improve our performance in other sales related area such as customer service, branding / product awareness?
  4. How do we justify the expense of the promotion?
  5. What are the related sales objectives & how will they be quantified?
  6. Is it possible to profile previous similar program as basis for planning?
  7. How will the program be publicized?
  8. The most critical – knowledge of the team? – check & re-check…

Maintain interest & momentum:-

  1. All leads received during the program should be followed up & to consider the the cross promotion.
  2. Maintain & manage the leads – establish the profile & match with the product, refine the lead.
  3. Insures that all parties / stake holder at branch (such as all front liners – PFE, tellers, CSO, CSR, BOM, BsMgrs, BM) & Region Office are aware of the program.

Take time to plan:-

  1. Establish & understand the objectives.
  2. Publicize our participation.
  3. Brief the team – include establish the procedures for interacting with customers / visitors.
  4. Remind them to get the greatest possible benefit from our participation.
  5. Stand material – take care not to give away expensive brochure / gift to low value or unqualified prospects.
  6. Capture visitor data – collect, compile & manage the leads.
  7. Measure your success – how many new prospects did you develop, how many sales meeting did you arrange, how many sales leads closed.
  8. Follow up all inquiries – arrange the meeting or send further information to promising prospects.
  9. Continue to maintain contact with the organizer or venue spoke person.

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